Richmond Township Supervisors met January6, 2025 at the township building in regular session with Supervisors Tricia Hall, Steve Brewster & Gary Fish attending.
Organizational Meeting Called to order at 7:00 PM by Tricia Hall, who led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Hall second Brewster to appoint Temporary Chairman Fish, Unamimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to appoint Temporary Secretary Steve Brewster, Unanimous.
Motion by Fish second Brewster to Nominate and Elect Tricia Hall as Chair, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Brewster to Nominate and Elect Fish as Vice Chair, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Brewster to appoint Mary J House as Secretary-Treasurer and authorize her to make deposits, to draw checks for payroll & supplies, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to establish Treasurers Bond at $700,000, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to recommend to Auditors that the Assistant Foremen be paid $12.00 per hour, Unanimous.
Auditors did set the wage to $12.00 per hour on January 7, 2025 at their Organizational meeting at the Richmond Township office.
Motion by Hall second Brewster to appoint Wade Brion as Road-Master with additional pay of $3 an hour, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to appoint Solicitor Jeffrey Loomis as township Solicitor and Solicitor William Stokes III as the Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to appoint John Lindenmuth as Vacancy Chairman, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Brewster to appoint Eugene McCulloh as Tax Collector Deputy, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to appoint Mary J House as Open Records Officer, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to appoint Livic Civil as the township engineer, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to adopt RESOLUTION 01-2025, naming First Citizens Community Bank and Northwest as depository, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to adopt RESOLUTION 02-2025, authorizing secretary to handle pension information, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to adopt RESOLUTION 03-2025, declaring Richmond Township's intent to follow the schedules and procedures for disposition of records, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to adopt RESOLUTION 04-2025, TCC Delegates Mary House, Tricia Hall and Gary Fish, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to set meeting dates as first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the township building for 2025, also includes the third Tuesday of each month at 5PM as a workshop night, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to certify all Supervisors and Secretary Mary House as delegates to State Convention May 4-7, 2025 in Hershey, PA, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to name Gary Fish as Primary Voting Delegate and Mary House as the alternate at convention, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to set recycler wage at $10.00 per hour, Unanimous.
Motion by Brewster second Fish to appoint Tricia Hall as contact person for Drug & Alcohol, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to appoint Wade Brion as alternate for 3 Year Term on the Zoning Hearing Board, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Brewster to appoint Bill Baker for another 3 Year Term on the Zoning Hearing Board, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to appoint Mary House as NCSA representative, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to reappoint Patricia Chrzan and Bill Robinson to another 3 year term on the Planning Commission board, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Fish to set mileage reimbursement at the IRS rate per mile (.70 cents per mile), Unanimous.
Richmond Township Supervisors called the regular meeting to order at 7:06 PM, on Monday, January 6, 2025, at the township building with Chair Tricia Hall and Supervisors Gary Fish and Steve Brewster attending.
Comment Period: None
December minutes were presented. MOTION by Hall, second Fish to approve the minutes, Unanimous.
MOTION by Hall second Fish to accept Treasurers Report, Unanimous.
MOTION by Hall second Fish to approve Payroll & Invoices to pay for General Checks 7867 to 7880 totaling $80,604.63, State Checks 2565to 2569 totaling $2,477.60, and No Impact Fee Checks, Unanimous.
Mansfield Fire Hall Annual Banquet was on January 18th from 6-8, Gary and Connie Fish attended.
Motion by Hall second Brewster to have employees go through CPR & First Aid Class, Unanimous.
Motion by Hall second Brewster to purchase AED & Cabinet for the meeting room, Unanimous.
Planning Commission minutes- Did not meet in December, their Organizational Meeting will be held January 29th at 7:00 PM.
Zoning Report Presented by Mary House.
Correspondence was presented.
Motion by Hall second Fish to Adjourn at 7:17PM, Unanimous.
Richmond Township Auditors met Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 10:30AM, at the township building for their Organizational Meeting with Deb Folcarelli, Joanna Evans and Andrea Lee attending.
The Auditors set the Supervisors wage to $12 an hour for Assistant Foremen, Lee Motioned Folcarelli seconded, Unanimous.
The Audit is set to start on February 20, 2025 at 9AM.
Respectfully Submitted, Mary J House, Secretary.